Enforcing Spring Cloud Contracts Over AMQP


Why Spring Cloud and CDC?

The Spring Cloud Contract enforces Consumer Driven Contracts (CDC) in the services. While there are various examples of the HTTP integration, let’s focus on another scenario — enforcing contracts on messages in the AMQP protocol.

We will create a simple example where a producer will send a user presence message to a consumer. This message will be in the JSON format, send via pre-aggreed exchange.

The roadmap is as follows:

  1. Create a contract. It will be owned by the producer-side.
  2. Create a consumer-side implementation of an AMQP queue that will adhere to the contract.
  3. Create consumer-side integration tests to make sure that client adheres to the contract.
  4. Create Producer implementation to send AMQP messages that follow contract requirements.
  5. Prepare and autogenerate producer-side integration tests to make sure that the producer agrees with the contract as well.

All of these steps are completely independent from the actual RabbitMQ broker. In other words, we can establish, enforce and test the contract without a running instance of the RabbitMQ!

Source Code

The final source code is available on GitHub, in the novotnyr/spring-cloud-contract-amqp-demo repository.

Setting Up the Producer Project

As a first step, let’s create a producer project, corresponding to a message sending service. This project will send a simple message: it will indicate an availability of a user in some kind of chat service.

This project will be Maven-based, with the following properties:

Most importantly, we need to depend on the Spring Cloud Contract libraries. We will import the libraries via dependencyManagement:


Then, let’s add additional <dependency> :


In addition, this will allow us to add the most important component: Maven plugin that will handle contract management, publishing and upload.


The final pom.xml that can be used as a reference is available in Github producer project.

Creating a Contract

The actual contract in the Spring Cloud Contract can be written either in Groovy DSL or in YAML. Let’s use YAML now.

The contract file user-presence.yaml should be put into src/test/resources/contracts, where it would be automatically picked up by Maven plugin.

label: user-goes-online
  triggeredBy: onUserIsOnline()
  sentTo: user-presence
    user: amadeus
    contentType: application/json

We declare a contract where the message will be triggered by a method call.

To be specific, on a onUserIsOnline() method call, an AQMP message will be sent to the user-presence exchange. The body will be in the JSON format { “user” : “amadeus” } and the message will contain a necessary JSON content-type header.

Additionally, we need to put a label to this contract statement, so we can reference that particular contract stanza in the integration tests.

Publishing a Contract

Now that the contract has been completed, we can publish that to the local Maven repository:

mvn install -DskipTests

This command will build, package and deploy the contract files to the local Maven repository. These files will be published in an artifact with the dedicated Maven classifier — stubs — in order not to interfere with the main module artifact.

We will intentionally skip tests, as there are no reasonable tests to execute. However, we will fix that later.

Setting Up the Consumer Project

Initializing Consumer Project

Time to move on to the opposite side of the contract, which will consume AMQP messages. Since we have our contract ready, we will prepare a consumer-side project.

Let’s create another Maven-based project, with the following setup:

Preparing Consumer Codebase

Now, let’s create a proper consumer project infrastructure. In other words, let’s create a proper Spring AMQP-based project that will handle AMQP messages as if they were sent by RabbitMQ broker.

This is a process that is completely independent from the Spring Cloud Contract classes!

Message Class

The inbound message will be mapped to a proper domain object:

  public class UserGoesOnlineMessage {
      private String user;
  	/* ..getters and setters */

Message Listener

Inbound AMQP message will be handled by a usual @RabbitListener-annotated method in a @Component:

  public class UserPresenceListener {
      private List<String> availableUsers = new ArrayList<>();
      @RabbitListener(queues = "user-presence")
      public void handle(UserGoesOnlineMessage userGoesOnlineMessage) {
      public List<String> getAvailableUsers() {
          return availableUsers;

Obviously, this is a very stupid mechanism: the listener will just take any incoming available user and it will put it into the “log”, or list of available users. This is just to have something testable.

Main Class

Now it’s time to code the main application class.

public class ConsumerApplication {
    public Binding binding() {
        return BindingBuilder

    private DirectExchange userPresenceExchange() {
        return new DirectExchange("user-presence");

    Queue userPresenceQueue() {
        return new Queue("user-presence");

    public MessageConverter jackson2JsonMessageConverter() {
        return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(ConsumerApplication.class, args);


Obviously, we might be tempted to run this application. This is okay, however, this won’t help us in the verification of the contract that we created.

Let’s create a proper integration test instead!

Consumer-Side Integration Tests

In this stage we are ready to create the integration tests. But wait, there is no running RabbitMQ to integrate! That is not a problem, since we do have the contract that describes all messages that our consumer should receive.

The Stub Runner will mimic the RabbitMQ broker message flow in memory, being guided by the Contract.

To prepare the integration tests, we will need two things:

Configuring the Stub Runner

Let’s configure the Stub Runner in the traditional Spring-Boot way: let’s create an application.properties file. Since this file is test-specific, it should go to src/test/resources.

In this file, we will explicitly enable the Stub Runner for AMQP protocol. To be on the safe side, we will disable the Cloud Stream Stub Runner, which might be enabled by default for Stream-Based AMQP integration.


Creating the Consumer-Side Integration Test

The integration test is basically a standard cookie-cutter Spring-Boot integration test, with additional features.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
@AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = {"com.github.novotnyr:spring-cloud-contract-server:+"}, stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.LOCAL)
public class ListenerTest {
    StubTrigger stubTrigger;

    UserPresenceListener userPresenceListener;

    public void shouldReceiveNotification() {

        assertTrue(this.userPresenceListener.getAvailableUsers().size() > 0);

Mainly, we will use the @AutoConfigureStubRunner to declare the location of contract files. We are using:

Now, we need to emulate the following scenario: a message will be sent to the RabbitMQ broker, then routed to a queue, and finally processed by the Consumer. We can autowire an StubTrigger that is able to emulate other-party message interactions.

Via trigger method we launch the required contract scenario. We will refer to the particular part of the scenario via label that was specified way back in the YAML.

Within this integration test, the StubRunner will find the proper AMQP binding, configure in-memory RabbitMQ mock and create the necessary RabbitMQ client infrastructure behind the scenes. Shortly, this will allow the UserPresenceListener to handle AMQP messages as if they were routed by the proper RabbitMQ broker.

To test the listener, we just trigger the message, and make sure that the number of the available users is not empty, thus indicating a delivered message.

Server-Side Implementation and Tests

Having completed consumer-side tests, we can return to the producer side. Let’s code two remaining features:

  1. Implement a proper server-side code which dispatches messages to AMQP exchanges and queues.
  2. Create integration tests that verify the contract on the producer side.

Producer-Side Implementation

Let’s create a minimalistic all-in-one class that handles both Spring Boot configuration and message dispatch:

public class Application {
    AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate;

    public void sendNotification() {
        amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("user-presence", "" , new Notification("amadeus"));

    public MessageConverter jackson2JsonMessageConverter() {
        return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

We configure a MessageConverter that will automatically convert payloads to JSON format.

Then, we create a sendNotification() method that will send an AMQP message via autowired AmqpTemplate. This message is represented by a simple domain object:

package com.github.novotnyr.contract;

public class Notification {
    private String user;
    /* ... */

Finally, since this is a standalone Spring Boot app, we provide a main method.

Producer-Side Integration Tests

Having completed consumer-side tests, we can return to the producer side and implement contract-based integration tests as well. We should make sure that producer-side is honoring the established contract in the same way as the consumer does.

The plan for this part is as follows:

Configuring Maven Plugin

We will do that via integration tests, but these tests will be partially autogenerated by the Maven plugin. To achieve this, we will need to adjust the plugin configuration. We need to introduce the configuration section where we state the base parent class for contract-based tests.

Adding base classes pom.xml


Configuring StubRunner

Additionally, we need to configure the StubRunner. Specifically, we need to enable AMQP-based StubRunner for integration tests. Let’s create src/test/resources/application.properties with the following content:


Configuring Base Test Class

We will now declare the base class TestBase that we specified in the pom.xml. This is an abstract class which covers:

public abstract class TestBase {
    @Autowired Application application;

    protected void onUserIsOnline() {

Now that we have prepared the base class TestBase, we can launch Maven install goal. Since our integration tests are ready, we can install the producer artifact properly, without disabled unit tests!

mvn install

Spring Cloud Contract Maven Plugin will autogenerate integration tests according to the Contract. These tests will be compiled and ran along the other unit tests.

The following code shows an autogenerated test class:

public class ContractVerifierTest extends TestBase {

	@Inject ContractVerifierMessaging contractVerifierMessaging;
	@Inject ContractVerifierObjectMapper contractVerifierObjectMapper;

	public void validate_user_presence() throws Exception {
		// when:

		// then:
			ContractVerifierMessage response = contractVerifierMessaging.receive("user-presence");
		// and:
			DocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(contractVerifierObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(response.getPayload()));


The Contract Maven plugin has created a validate_user_presence method. First, the onUserOnline() method is called to trigger the AMQP message. Since the plugin does not now, how the implementation of this method should look like, he have to provide it in the TestBase class.

Then, the RabbitMQ message processing is done via Spring Cloud Contract ContractVerifierMessaging object that is able to emulate message reception.

Finally, the assertions are acquired via static methods of SpringCloudContractAssertions class, in the same spirit as the assertions on the traditional JUnit classes.

Launching Integration Tests

When we mvn install the producer-side project, all integration tests will be generated and launched.

As we have seen in the Consumer-side project, we have configured AMQP StubRunner. Behind the scenes, this stub runner will essentially mock the RabbitMQ broker and verify that the proper messages, with the proper JSON structure, are sent.


Now we have successfully covered both sides of the queue:

Both sides rely on the StubRunner, implemented as an essential RabbitMQ mock that will verify that the contract is properly honored!


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